Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Nothing says Happy Holidays like an unexpected hole in the head. I raced home for a dentist appointment thinking I'd be in and out in thirty minutes. The doc said everything looked good- except for a lone wisdom tooth. As he peered through his bifocled lenses, his voice was actually pretty comforting. " Negative on decay...Number one...straight...extraction.."
I thought you said it was straight. Luckily, the office had just had a cancellation, so out came the novicaine and out came the pliers.

But ever forward. Exams finished up well as did the subsequent few days. It's incredible how quickly the past four months have passed. Homecoming-Halloween-Thanksgiving-Exams-Break, each marker filled in with trains to DC, dissappointments and redemptions, deadlines (met and extended), blurry nights and razor-sharp days, and of course, lasagnas of varying quality.

The picture is the future site of Reynard Florence Vinyards. Dad and I dug 160 holes over Thanksgiving (with a little help from a tractor and auger). Each vine is supposed to produce about a bottle of wine each year. 200 more and we'll be set for a bottle a day.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

There's something about a gray Washington day that makes me want to walk the streets aimlessly. An intense gloom sets over our capital that seems to affect everyone from the bums in the park to the three-piece suits sipping their starbucks. I like because it slows things down just enough to give people an extra second to think about where you're coming from and where you're going; not in terms of career or position, there are plenty of non-introspective days for that. These early winter days are like conversations with my ambition.
Hey man, how're you doing? You happy?
Yeah, I'm pretty happy, actually. But tired.

The cold keeps me sharp. The gray keeps me calm. Needless to say, Scotland will provide a healthy dose of both. I've been wondering how much I'll be tuned into the Hill while I'm gone. Sapple said I'm addicted to DC politics, and I'll never be able to stop reading the paper and surrounding myself with criticism and analysis. I'd like to think it's not the hypocrisy and corruption I'm addicted to, but the possibility of change and being a part of a coalition of progressives that's willing to fight day after day after day for the voiceless, for the tired. Through all the paradoxes and absurdity of the American process, the egalitarian framework remains. As TJ said: Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.

So enjoy these gray days, DC. And as always, work hard play hard.

Monday, December 12, 2005

So for those of you aren't aware, I have now crossed the one month countdown...In 26 days I'll be getting on a plane to Edinburgh Scotland. Via Frankfurt. Via Charlotte NC. Should be a pretty smooth day, only 18 hours of travelling with 6 months of Tom on my back. I'm going to try and keep this blog as possible. I don't want to make any promises, but how does once a week sound?
I got my accomodations straightened out. I didn't get a Univeristy Flat that I requested, but I'll have my own room-surrounded by 1,500 young people like myself. My dorm is at the base of Arthur's Seat, a public park at the top of the crags (an ancient long extinct volcano) where one's supposed to be able see the whole city. I sure hope it won't be foggy or raining...

So DSCC tomorrow and Tuesday, a few exams, home, Christmas, New Years in Fburg, then Scotland. But before I go, hopefully as many friendly rendevous as possible. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, December 11, 2005

I'm ready, Edinburgh...Are you?
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