Tuesday, July 18, 2006

On the Other Side

Six months come and gone...I emerge a with a worldlier mind and stronger heart - blah blah cliche blah stereotype blah. My time on the farm finished up nicely, though I almost cried when I flew back over Edinburgh. It was a city transformed by the coming of summer. 30,000 thousand less people between the ages of 18 and 22 in a city of 400,000 will do that. The tourists had somewhat taken our place, but the locals at my favorite pubs were still keeping the stools warm. So after a month of living in a bamboo hut, my parents, my brother and I toured Scotland in luxuray.

Castles, whisky, family and rain: all behind a peaceful rugged landscape. Mountains that loomed over the lochs and glens knew our names- our pasts and futures. A mystic place, I miss it

But Virginia's heat has called me in. Another Fredericksburg summer with the summer Fredericksburg hipsters, complete with the normal components and modules: Bicycles, cookouts, kegs, new books, police oppression, pissed off townies, lovely townies, tacos and barbeque, trips to DC, dance parties, poetry readings, folk music, chaos, glances, ghosts.

So thanks to everyone who's been reading the tomasutra travel log. I've been pleasantly surprised how many people followed it. It was definitely a blast, and I look forward to seeing everyone I haven't seen yet; let's grab a beer, it's too damn hot out.

As to the future of this site, I'm probably going to retire it. I've been tossing aroud the idea of an organized political crit, with a sort of romantic return to idealism with an evolutionary anarchist twist. ..yeah.

So thanks mom and dad for all the money and an incredible adventure. You're better than ever.
Everyone else, grab a bike and meet me at Carl's.