Sunday, February 26, 2006

Time: 2:02am
Temparature: -5 C
Wind: 17 mph
Conditions: Freezing Mist

Scotland: 12
England: 6

The oppressed have repelled the tyrannous. Victorious chants throb the streets.
It's an inspriringly warm and beautiful, tough and happy city tonight.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Isle of Araan
Chris Josh & Tom
February 18-19

Thursday, February 16, 2006

An hour ago I watched a retarded man carrying groceries stumble and fall to the pavement pretty hard. He was at the other end of the block and struggled to get up as a dozen or so pedestrians walked around and past him, making sure to shoot him puzzled or ambivalent glances. He was still on the ground when I approached a half minute later. I offered my hand and pulled him up, and he looked at me like I was some sort of Samaritan.

God I hate cities.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

!!!!Box Wars!!!!

Thirty New Wave Hipsters...

Design and Manufacture...

Cardboard Armor and Armaments,

And Engage in Gladitorial Combat.

It's Corrugated Chaos

Test Your Strength. Test Your Honor.

Battle, or be Recycled


And as Always in Ed, Subsequent Dance Party