Friday, March 24, 2006

the quest - with no pictures

So my grand adventure officially started today - well, technically yesterday as I haven't slept since Wed night. My hall mates and I finished the term off right with a nice French meal at Maison Bleu. I had the goat cheese tartite, then proceded to break a 2 month fast of red meat, with a 100% Organic Scottish ribeye, bloodied and clinging to life. Well I guess you know the rest of the thursday night drinks, the jazz bar, dirty pubs and chip shops. A friend and I were walking back to my dorm around 6, with the sky slipping from black to blue, when we decided to climb Arthur's Seat to watch the sunrise. "You two are up early," a jogger commented. "Up late," I said, and loosened my tie, an Allison tartan. It was a fitting farewell to my city and friends. Bye Ed, I'm going to miss you.

So tomorrow morning: wake at 630, take the tube to liverpool st station. ride the stanstead express to stanstead airport, fly to Santander. Explore solo. Stay the night. Sunday, train to Bilbao. After that, your guess is as good as mine.

Miss everyone, comment trinket requests/addresses for postcards.
paz afuera


At 6:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

safe travels, dear boy--hope you have the time of your life. take pictures!
xoxoxo janet


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